Changing My Perspective on Group Travel

Group Hiking to a Volcano

I’ve traveled solo quite a bit and I’ve traveled with one to two other friends at a time, but until my trip with Intrepid Travel in Galapagos I had never traveled with a group of strangers.  I thought I wouldn’t Continue reading Changing My Perspective on Group Travel

A “Green” Surprise in Ecuador

Bikes in Quito

I’m used to the “green” lifestyle living in Western Washington.  I sort my recycling and put my food waste in the yard waste container.  What I didn’t expect was encountering “green” in Ecuador. The signs of Ecuador’s “green” initiatives were Continue reading A “Green” Surprise in Ecuador

AeroGal Airlines

AeroGal Breakfast

AeroGal is an airlines that flies within Ecuador, to Lima in Peru, and to Bogota and Medellin in Columbia. When I recently took part in Intrepid’s Active Galapagos trip, the included flight from Quito to the Galapagos and back, was Continue reading AeroGal Airlines

Active Galapagos Trip Expenses

Waiting Patiently

People have asked me how much my trip to the Galapagos cost and whether it was worth it to use Intrepid travel.  I’ve decided to share the total cost of my trip, so everyone can make their own judgment. But Continue reading Active Galapagos Trip Expenses

Leaving the Galapagos

Our View on Santa Cruz

Wow…we thought getting there took some steps.  Leaving took almost as many.  Breakfast was served at 7:00 am and promptly at 7:30 am our journey back to Quito began. We took a private bus from the main part of Santa Continue reading Leaving the Galapagos

2012 Week #34


As part of touring Quito, Ecuador we found Basilica del Voto Nacional (or Basilica of the National Vow).  It was architecturally one of my favorite buildings.  Climbing the towers gave an amazing view of the steeples and the City of Continue reading 2012 Week #34

Getting to the Galapagos

Getting Ready to Land in San Cristobal

Our tour with Intrepid officially started yesterday with a city tour of Quito, Ecuador but today we stepped foot on our first island in the Galapagos…San Cristobal. The day started fairly early with a 5:00 am wake-up call so that Continue reading Getting to the Galapagos

Making Our Way to Ecuador

View of Quito from La Basilica

View of a portion of Quito, Ecuador from La Basiica. Yesterday goes down in the books as one of my longest travel days yet and will likely hold that spot until I head home from this trip.  We left my Continue reading Making Our Way to Ecuador