Christchurch Still Recovering

The Cathedral

Christchurch first shook September 4, 2010 with a 7.1 magnitude earthquake and was followed with a 6.3 magnitude earthquake on February 22, 2011.  While the second earthquake was smaller; the damage was larger.  It didn’t stop there…smaller aftershocks were felt Continue reading Christchurch Still Recovering

Trying Something New…Encaustic Painting

Encaustic Painting

Yesterday I stepped outside my artistic comfort zone. I purchased a painting voucher from Living Social a couple of months ago.  After that I didn’t think much else about it until yesterday.  Before the class started my friend and I Continue reading Trying Something New…Encaustic Painting

Adventure Doesn’t Always Have To Be Risky

Finished Pots 2

I do not consider myself an artsy person, so I surprised myself when I decided to take advantage of a recent Living Social deal.  What was I about to do?  Pottery…and not just the “paint a pot” kind of pottery…it Continue reading Adventure Doesn’t Always Have To Be Risky