Photography…A Duh Moment

I can’t express how little I know about DSLR cameras and taking pictures.  I’ve always been a point and shoot girl.  When Shelly and I went to the Arboretum to take pictures, I got frustrated with my manual focus ability.  No matter how I turned the lens the focus of the picture never seemed to change.

Fast forward to last weekend when I broke down and bought the book ‘Nikon D3100 for Dummies’.  When the ‘for Dummies’ books first came out I was completely opposed to them just because of the title.  I broke down and bought one a year or so ago and found that they are actually well written.

I’m not even through chapter one yet and I found out why manual focus wasn’t working for me.  I was using the wrong dial to attempt focusing.  It makes sense now.  When I was trying to focus the object was getting closer or farther away.  Turns out I was turning the zoom barrel instead of the focus ring.  Major oops!  <<insert laughter here>>

Today I took my camera to Wilmont Park to try manual focus.  Yea!  It works!  Now the problem is that all the pictures turned out black.  I guess I need to finish reading chapter one.  😉

Below are some pictures I took with the auto mode.  The day was too nice not to take any pictures at all.


I also thought I would attempt taking some pictures of the Super Moon.  How silly of me?  Did I really think I would get any decent pictures based on my total lack of knowledge?  Turns out I got one that was ok and when cropped in you can see some detail even though it’s a bit blurry (the last photo is an auto fix trial…I loved the abstract look of it).  I know it’s not even in the ball park of being decent, but it’s a step…a very small step.

Back to reading my ‘…for dummies’ book.

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